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18 - 20 November 2024 | Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe 

Zimbabwe-Zambia Energy Projects Summit Agenda 2024

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Addressing Opportunities Head On – Recognising the Need for Private Sector Focused Policies to Get Projects Over the Line

18 Nov 2024
Kalala Room

At the Africa Energy Forum in Barcelona both public and private sector stakeholders requested EnergyNet to consider hosting an investor retreat focused on Zambia and Zimbabwe – why?

With both governments making innovative structural changes to make energy projects more bankable, Zimbabwe and Zambia are attracting private investment into solar, geothermal and wind - as well as the more traditional hydro projects - diversifying their energy mix. What impact are these changes having on the ease of doing business and the time taken to get energy to the consumer?


  • Has recent debt restructuring and the introduction of policies such as Zimbabwe’s Government Implementation Agreement increased IPP/investor appetite?
  • Are feed-in tariffs and grid liberalisation enough in the current climate to secure investment?
  • How is local currency financing and dedollarisation to lower interest rates and promote public finance stabilisation supporting FDI?
Snowy Khoza, Non-Executive Senior Advisor, GEAPP; Non-Executive Director, Gridworks Development Partners; Nominee Director - IFC
Honourable Edgar Moyo (MP), Minister of Energy & Power Development - Zimbabwe
Honourable Makozo Chikote, Minister of Energy - Zambia
H.E. Jobst von Kirchmann, Ambassador of the European Union to the Republic of Zimbabwe
John Humphrey, His Majesty’s Trade Commissioner (HMTC) for Africa - UK
Rentia van Tonder, Head: Power - Standard Bank
Kalaluka Itwi, Chief Financial Officer - Zambia National Commercial Bank (ZANACO)